05 September 2012

7 Antagonists I Love And Why

This month's prompt at Absolute Write
The Number Seven

September used to be the seventh month of the old Roman calendar and its name literally means seventh "month," so this month is brought to you by 7. Write wherever the prompt inspires you, fiction or non-fiction, prose or poetry. Do try and keep things at a PG-13 level, though.

NORMAN BATES, PSYCHO - Owner of the Bates Motel. Why does this character appeal to me so much? Because, though he is a brutal murderer, we discover his quirkiness, prone to violence, is a mask for the immense guilt he possesses over murdering his own mother. He had been jealous she'd found a lover. This sort of Oedipus complex lends him a weakness which he struggles to suppress. How can you NOT find some sympathy for this character?

WHITE GOODMAN, DODGEBALL - What a despicable, low-class, egotistical prick, right? However nasty a character is, they can be totally redeemed, especially if they make you laugh your ass off. That is all. 

NURSE RATCHED, ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST - What a wicked, wicked woman! Think about what she is struggling with when she insists on keeping these patients "cuckoo". Control and order is what she desperately seeks, and when her patients question her over her antics, she is taken back. We get the first glimpse into her evil mind when her authority is questioned. Let that nutty McMurphy disturb the order and look out! You're messing with her domain. She's under-handed and evil to the core, but...at least she's in control, right? How can you not love this woman?

DARTH VADER, STAR WARS - I feel for this guy. He's trying hard to maintain his power. He can order people killed and it is done. People fear him; he is the almighty Darth Vader! One problem, he can't get his own son to see his greatness. It's not evil, my son...it's the dark side. This poor guy can't get through to his son. How horrible is that for him?

TOMMY DEVITO, GOODFELLAS - He's a small guy with a really big internal wound. Don't laugh at him. Call him a bastard, whack his friend, just don't laugh at him. How hard is that? He’s loud, he’s a bully, and if you’re getting laughs at his expense, he’ll kill you. Flawed? Yes! You want him on your side if there is going to be any misunderstanding. You find yourself saying to people, "Hey, seriously, just don't look at him funny, okay?”

DR. HANNIBAL LECTER, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS - He is a cannibalistic serial killer who understands the human spirit, comes from a background which would drive anyone insane (opinion), and he'll eat your face off. What's not to like? Seriously, this character has shown compassion. He becomes a mentor to Clarice, the young, ambitious FBI agent, giving her clues which help her to find a serial killer. He later writes her a letter wishing her well. What a great man!

GOLLUM (Smeagle), THE LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY - You can't trust that deformed monster. He wants his Precious! He'll do anything for it. I can't help feeling pity for this character though. I want to give him the ring and wish him the best in his life as a deformed outcast. Poor thing!

So, who are your favorite antagonists and why?


  1. The Wicked Witch of the West because she takes green to a new level.

    1. No, no...I can't do Wicked Witch of the West. When I was seven, I had nightmares for months over that lady!

  2. Oh Norman Bates. You really have to love him. ;)

    1. I should have mentioned another thing I love about him, he is at a disadvantage because of the horrible technology (or lack thereof)they had to work with back then! LOL

  3. Loki from the Thor and Avengers movies was a great bad guy. Of course Darth and Hannible. Khan from Star Trek, a bunch of the comic movies antagonists, Green Goblin, Doc Oct, the Joker.

    1. Definitely got to have the Joker on our list! :)

  4. My favorite is Dr. Evil from the Austin Power movies. You can't help but love that guy!

  5. Interesting list. Some comedic, some tragic and most evil. :D

    1. LOL!! I was going for 100% evil, but then, I am closed minded with evil!! :D

  6. I have to agree 100% with Gollum, he is a very pitiful antagonist that sort of tosses your feelings about. Hate his actions, pity his torment, and enjoy the conflict he brings.

    I have to say that, while I am fond of Voldemort, Professor Umbridge (Harry Potter) has to be someone I love to hate the most. She is evil in, what feels like, just for the sake of it--but thinks she is perfection and sweet. Her racism, cruelty, two-face antics drove me up the wall but I wasn't annoyed by her character, I really enjoyed how she was portrayed and what she seemed to add in. She wasn't there just for the sake of being evil, she really did move the story along.

    Also have to agree with one of the comments, Loki was a fantastic villain in the Avengers and Thor. He was a villain with a past, emotions, and had character depth. He wasn't evil for the sake of being evil. He was a villain with more of a reason. That is always a great antagonist. They van be so interesting if there is more reason to their dark, twisted ways.

    1. Paige, very much we love Gollum for what he is! :)

      I so want to read about this Voldemort!

  7. Magua from The Last of the Mohicans. He is scary, vengeful warrior, but we find out at that he has good reason for his hatred and even in the end you see a redeeming side to him.

    Also, Lex Luthor and The Joker are villains you like to laugh with.

    1. Completely forgot about Magua. I saw a photo of Wes Studi outside that role and didn't recognize him. I looked the actor up in imdb and when I saw he played Magua, I had to do a double take! He was good in Avatar too!

  8. I think the thread through all of those characters is that we can understand them. We get where they're coming from, even if it makes them bad.

    1. I think so, too. Like the character Joe Pesci played in Goodfellows. When I first experienced his character, I thought he was just a loose canon. But, once I realized his flaw, he really is a 3 dimensional character.

  9. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood! I can't tell you how jazzed I am that you listed White Goodman here. He's one of my favorite antagonists ever. This is such an awesome response to the "7" chain. Never would have thought of listing like this!

    1. Thanks, randi! You can always do the 7 favorite protagonists. :D

      "I know you. You know you. And I know you know that I know you."

  10. The Green Mile is one of my favorite books and it probably came to mind in light of the death of Michael Clarke Duncan. So I'm going to have to add Percy Wetmore into the mix of antagonists.

    1. That's sad to hear about him. I didn't read the book, but I watched the movie years ago. R.I.P. Michael.

  11. Great list! Gollum's a good one. It's like he doesn't want to be bad, but he just can't help it. He needs his "Precious."

  12. Can I take one from TV? Dexter is my favorite bad guy right now. Though I do like Dr. Lecter as well. Evil is so much fun to write about, and to read or watch. As long as you aren't involved in it on either end-- LOL

  13. I think someone (I forget who) said it best when they said "the villain is the hero of their own story." It really puts the lie to those cardboard Caligulas who act the way they do for evil's sake or "because they're crazy." After all, Darth Vader isn't just strangling insolent fools; he's "bringing order to the galaxy."


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