I was reminiscing about older movies today. Not major mega hit movies, but the ones I can watch again today. I rediscovered these five movies. They are ones that make me smile when thinking about them.
What do they have in common? They have protagonists and/or supporting characters who happen to be writers. These writer characters carry, in a sense, some of my own spirit. If you haven't experienced these movies, please go out and buy them! I’d like to know your thoughts.

However, so many obstacles keep him from completing his manuscript, including his struggles with the fact that his wife is also looking to publish a children’s book. I could sit down today and watch this movie in my PJs while having a cup of hot chocolate topped with those little mini marshmallows.
Andy Farmer (Chase): You don't know a thing about writing. You're a Goddamn schoolteacher.
2. Don’t Tell Her It’s Me (1990), Shelley Long plays a romance writer whose brother, a survivor of Hodgkin’s disease, crushes on a friend. Lizzie Potts (Long) transforms her brother into one of her stereotypical romance heroes in order that he wins over the woman he has fallen in love with from afar. Everything from his new name, Lobo, his tan skin, and new eye color, thanks to color contacts, conveniently disguises his former self. I won’t spoil it for you, but this movie is hilarious.
Lizzie Potts (Long): No! Annabelle! Don't play with the space heater coil. Piglet, if you breathe gas it will tie up all your available hemoglobin and there will be none left for oxygen transfer. Your lips and nail beds will turn cherry red and you'll die of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Annie Wilkes (Bates): [Right after smashing Paul’s ankles with a sledgehammer] God I love you.
4. Best Friends (1982), Richard Babson (Burt Reynolds) and Paula McCullen (Goldie Hawn) are screenwriters in a 5-year relationship. When they decide they should get married, plans are made to visit each other’s families, where they discover how different they are.
This is a perfect example of don’t try to fix something that isn’t broken. Separate, they are perfect. Merge them and it doesn’t work. The same reason you shouldn’t mix genres, but everyone is doing it, right?
Breasts too large, Richard? Every female character you create has breasts too large.
Just an aside:
You can tell a dude wrote a female protagonist…
She stopped running to catch her breath, her breasts rising and falling against the soft cotton material of her blouse.

Note: Glenda Parks has a house full of dogs, large and small. She even has one that looks exactly like my Biscuit.
Glenda (Hawn): You are making me crazy!
Ira (Grodin): I’m not making you crazy…
Glenda (Hawn): Anyone who forces me to make chicken pepperoni is making me crazy. And YOU are making me crazy. (Exits)
Ira (Grodin): [to himself] I’m not making her crazy.
I don't remember too many of these and I usually love comedies. I love Shelly Long too. Need to see Don't Tell Her it's Me and I'm sure I'd like Seems Like Old Times again even though I'm sure I saw it. Charles Grodin is exceptional in almost everything.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the ideas. Hope we can sign up for Netflix again someday.
Oh, if you like Steve Guttenburg, he's in Don't Tell Her It's Me. I've never been a fan of Guttenburg, but he's hilarious in that movie.
DeleteJust saw Shelly Long in a new movie. She was soooo cute as Mrs. Claus. Older and still cute!
DeleteHad not seen her in a movie in a very long time. I miss seeing her. And, I agree, she'll always be cute! :)
DeleteThrow Mama from the Train. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=UG-e4rHjQbc
ReplyDeleteThank you, just bought it! lol
DeleteCan't believe you forgot Finding Forrester! Totally awesome movie. I watch it over and over.
ReplyDeleteAck!! I never watched that one. Thanks, now I will go buy it and watch it!! :D
DeleteFun list! Although 'Misery' almost made me STOP writing lol
ReplyDeleteHave you ever seen 'Adaptation' with Nicholas Cage and Meryl Streep? That's another one I love!
I haven't seen Adaptation, but I'll check it out. My sister and I loved Nic back when he started out. His first movie (the first we'd ever seen him) was in Valley Girl. Veeeerrrry old movie. lol
DeleteAwesome movie choices. I'd completely forgotten about some of these. Misery scares the pants off of me (the first time I watched it I was paranoid of ever becoming published, yet for some reason I went back and watched it again!) Another great one that I can watch again and again is "Finding Forrester." Tells a great story and has a great motto: "First write with your heart. Then go back and write with your head." Words I live by as I fill my pages!
DeleteAnother fan of Finding Forrester? Now I definitely have to buy it. I still can't believe I haven't watched it because I LOVE Sean Connery. :)
DeleteI loved Misery!! Classic :) I've never seen the other movies you mentioned, looking forward to checking Funny Farm.
ReplyDeleteIf you enjoy Funny Farm, I would recommend Don't Tell Her It's Me.
The part of Misery I enjoyed in the book more than the movie was the fact that she amputated his foot rather than crush it with a sledgehammer.
I hope I didn't just spoil something for anyone!
Of these, I've only seen Misery.
ReplyDeleteThrow Momma From The Train is priceless.
And there's Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. Between the two films, Ethan Hawke's character becomes a writer.
Your mention of Ethan Hawke made me search my memory because I know now, I was just being lazy! I watched "Secret Window" with Johnny Depp and didn't include it only because it would have been out of place with all the comedies I remembered (Except Misery).
DeleteThanks for the movie mention! I'll watch for it in the DVD section this weekend. :)
Both movies are among my personal favourites. They're basically conversation movies between these two very likeable characters in a European city. Watch Before Sunrise first.
DeleteFunny Farm! I loved that movie!
ReplyDeleteIf you liked that movie, I'd recommend Modern Problems. :D
DeleteI do enjoy Chevy Chase, but the woman playing in Funny Farm as the wife I believe also played the "other woman" in Urban Cowboy. Another great movie!