06 November 2012

Writer and Muse are not Cooperating

Let's talk about productivity, just briefly. When my writer self wants to write, it tells my muse to do something, get me started...I need you! I liken my writer self to Wally and my muse to the pointy-haired boss.

When the muse is finally ready to do its thing, it seeks from the writer what the writer is unwilling to give, which is the time needed for this magic to happen.

I really do wish I could be more productive with my writing, especially with making progress on my novel. I just need some fresh ideas and something to get me excited again. I should probably re-address where I'm spending all my time, which keeps me away from the thing I enjoy most, writing. Maybe this post should be about procrastination.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. How do I get my writer self and muse to cooperate with each other?


  1. I will answer you as a student, not as a blogger. Perhaps there is some relevance?

    When I have to get a paper written, it can be painful to force myself to sit and just get the information on the pages. Not all papers are strait research; there can be much opinion and discussion, as well. In a sense, it is like mentally chaining myself to my desk until I have so much information spilled and organized.

    That is not the end, but it is the end of the painful part. Sleep on it, go back and start editing. Then, it all comes together for me. So, as a novelist, perhaps just insist on sitting and writing -- writing whatever comes to mind. Good or bad, but get the ideas on the paper. A day or two later, go back and start making it good. :-)

    However you choose to go about it, best of luck to you!

    1. I think you're right. I know I don't sit to write like I used to. The excuse anymore is that I have a laptop I can carry, better yet, I have my iPad. But if I'm to be honest with myself, I don't write on those devices. I'm more comfortable writing at my desk with a real keyboard.

      Shhhh, don't tell my husband that. I'm holding out for the new Microsoft Surface. :D

      Thanks for the advice, too. I swear, I'm going to try everything. All suggestions will be attempted by me until I beat this!

  2. But in chair, Diane. Seriously, it works. Just sit down with your computer and don't get up.

    1. Kelly, I may finally convince my husband that it's time to redecorate my office! New chair and all. Lol

  3. I think everyone comes across this sometimes. Actually butt in chair is a good idea but for me I need to distance myself from the computer for a short while with a pen and pad and just doodle or write a word down and see what happens.

    1. I tried the stream of consciousness exercise where you just write and write about anything. The premise is that once you start, it's hard to stop. You're supposed to write anything, even nonsensical gibberish, until something makes sense which strikes you. You can go back and erase all the stuff you don't want to keep later.

      I think I did it for a total of three days, and then I was exhausted. lol

      Thanks Eve!

  4. :megusta: Sometimes productivity is hindered by others. No, wait. That's all the time. I find it interesting when my writer side wakes up but my I-need-to-do-a-lot side doesn't let him work.

    1. If I didn't have other people directing my life, I could actually sit my writer behind down and get something done! I swear, I'm writing this afternoon!

  5. No Internet. Number one rule these days. It's like a pile of crack cocaine sitting inside your computer or device, just waiting for you to use it. Sure sometimes you *can* work with net access, but you know... just one more hit.

    1. You are so right, David! I'll sit down to write and the first thing I do is open my browser instead of my word processor! lol

    2. Exactly! And it doesn't help that I have automatic notices when I get an email or a reply on reddit. Heh. No internet hurts... I need a detox program. Even if I go to the library, free internet...

    3. Or for the price of an iced coffee, you can go to Barnes and Noble. :)

    4. Somedays I need to take my own advice more seriosuly. Sat down to work 11:05, finally started 12:44.

    5. Me too. I sat down to write a chapter and I end up writing about my shitty neighbors. lol

      Maybe I need to be writing a memoir? :D

  6. Nod to the internet comment. Turn off that wifi, lady! Strange as it sounds, sometimes trying a different food, or engaging a different sense works for me. My favorite is trying a new type of sweet...both the sugar pick-me-up and the new sensation just seem to do the trick!

    1. Don't get me started on candy, randi (oooo, I made a rhyme). I have enough left over candy from Halloween and those bite-sized Snickers are not helping my girlish figure. :T

  7. I agree with the first comment. When I had to write boring newspaper stories about City Council meetings I'd just get out my notes and start typing them into the computer then go back and edit them. You probably have an outline of what you want to happen to your characters so you could just start typing in that direction and then go back and edit it.

    1. You know what, Deb? Silly me! I did write an outline. I need to take a look at it again. Maybe change it up a little so I get excited over something new.


  8. My muse sometimes refuses to speak to me for some reason... it gets really frustrating!

    1. Mine speaks to me when I'm sleeping! Then when I wake up, it goes to sleep. lol


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