
29 July 2012

Where To Get Inspiration For Your Writing

I couldn't find inspiration to write today, so we strolled around the flea market. It's a place where things happen, weird things. Sometimes funny things happen. It's not a world where many people consider spending their time on a weekend. 

If I'm not writing, this is where I visit in hopes of finding potential subject matters or situations I can include in my WIP. Talk about being on location. My expenses are minimal.

Have you ever considered a character like this one, maybe in some sort of romance novel? This I experienced at 9:00a.m. on a Sunday morning. I don't know whether he has a drinking problem or he's just soaking up the rays. I'm going with the latter for my inspirational post and Character of the Day

I have to use my imagination a bit, just to set the mood. Must remember to forget those socks, too. Look out ladies, me thinks he has the potential to be the next Christian Grey.

The Adonis

The sun's rays danced across his muscled torso, exposing a chiseled and tan eight-pack no woman could resist. The heat blanketed his body and forced tiny droplets of moisture from his pores. 
He lay there, skin glistening and inviting, oblivious to the woman who watched as every muscle in his taut body formed this exquisite monument before her. She wondered, oh did she wonder, what tautness lie beneath the netherworld of his groin.

Goodness! I need a change of location. This is killing me and I'm not getting anything accomplished. So, where are some of the places you visit for inspiration?  


  1. LOL, you have a fabulous imagination and Miss James better watch out. She has competition!

    1. Hey, with this sort of inspiration, I might switch from suspense thriller to erotica. *rawr*

  2. Ahhh! I wish I had your imagination right now - I'm trying hard to separate the idea of the 'netherworld of his groin' (love that phrase, btw!) from the picture you posted :-)

    1. I was struggling with the whole "chicken or the egg" issue myself. Unfortunately, the picture came first, then the story snippet. By the time I got to "groin" I had scrolled down far enough the picture was out of sight, out of mind! :D

      Those socks! Those ungodly socks! lol

  3. Walmart usually has a variety of characters to choose from.

  4. To come up with that sexy snippet after gazing upon the guy with the socks clearly proves you’re a wonderful fiction writer, Diane!

    I get inspiration from people watching and listening at restaurants, grocery stores, malls, and other public places. I always carry a little notebook with me so I can quickly jot down my thoughts.

    1. Thank you Susan. I just bought my first notebook and I ditched the voice recorder I bought last year.

      I find I'm more inclined to break out the notebook than the voice recorder. Not sure why!

  5. LOL. Oh, Diane, you crack me up.

    Luckily, I haven't had this form of inspiration lately. ;)

    1. Kelly, I get my inspiration from these sorts of things. Evidence of why I need to keep my day job! :D

  6. I spend a couple of hours in the library almost every day, and I have written character sketches for two stalkers based on people I saw there. This may not be a good thing.

    1. Profiling in the library. lol

      I have the Indian Incense man, the fat, white baseball card vendor, the Mexican vegetable lady and the quadriplegic in a wheelchair drinking beer from a straw.

      I think it's just fine to use these observations in a fiction piece. To me, it's even fine to use them in a memoir if it's what your life experience has put in front of you.

      Stalkers are scary...


I welcome feedback, so please leave your thoughts.